Fabsil tent + gear cleaner from grangers 500ml
Fabsil by grangers tent and gear cleaner 500ml. High performance cleaner for all tents and gear. Also suitable for use on awnings, garden furniture and outdoor accessories.
A mighty cleaner for all tents, awnings and outdoor equipment! Keep your gear looking and performing at its best whatever the weather, this sponge-on product is all you need!
Over time, and with prolonged use, even the most effective outdoor gear will begin to lose its ability to protect you against the elements. That's because residues and impurities that settle on your gear all absorb water. As you explore more, your equipment gets dirtier, leaving kit much more likely to leak.
Fortunately, Fabsil Tent + Gear Cleaner is here to help. By removing dirt from outdoor fabrics, there are fewer water-absorbing impurities to impair performance. Plus, any water-repellent treatments present on your gear will be able to work as intended. Any gear or equipment that needs a fresh waterproofing treatment can benefit from being cleaned too as waterproofing treatments are much more effective if applied to a residue-free surface.
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